Home Walks Beverly Brook walking route
Beverley Brook walk in Richmond Park
The Beverley Brook walk is a 10km walk between Putney and Wimbledon with part of the walk cutting through Richmond Park in London. This is the section of the route which forms this great short walk and offers the best place to watch and photograph kingfishers along the river.
Walk summary
Length 1.5 miles / 45 minutes to an hour or so
Difficulty Easy and flat
Refreshments Roehampton cafe
Highlights Peaceful and picturesque short walk. Kingfishers.
Route of walk
This short walk starts from the large Roehampton gate car park at the northern edge of Richmond Park.
Walk left out of the Roehampton car park to join the main Tamsin Trail path for a few hundred metres until you cross a footbridge over the Beverley Brook river.
At this point leave the Tamsin Trail and follow the river bank as far as you like.
This section of the walk is very picturesque and offers an excellent opportunity to photograph kingfishers diving into the Beverly Brook river from the tree stumps and willow trees.
To return to the car park, either head away from the river to rejoin the Tamsin Trail, or cross the road to do a larger loop.
Photographic opportunities along the walk
The willow trees along the Beverley Brook river offers some interesting compositions about half way along the river as the river starts to curve.

Watch out for dashes of bright blue as kingfishers whizz by.
Parrakeets are often seen along the river too.
In particularly hot weather or at dawn and dusk you can sometimes see deer in the river which is an amazing sight.
More Richmond Park walks
I used a Nikon SLR camera for all photos on this website and highly recommended it: